Happy Thanksgiving Rotarians:
Why do we celebrate thanksgiving in Canada?
Canadian Thanksgiving is an annual celebration meant to honor life’s blessings while spending quality time with close family and friends. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October. Even though its origins are based in religion, it has recently become a reason for families and friends to enjoy a delicious meal together and express gratitude for their life.
September 29, 2024, Bulletin Correction
The Moncton West Rotary Charities (MWRC) Inc. accepts applications twice per year, with deadlines of March 30 and September 30.
As per Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), MWR Charities are only able to provide funding for other registered charities, and as such, the club holds back monies from our fundraising needed to support our other initiatives that are outside of these guidelines.
Details on our application process are on the RCMWR club website under “MWR Charities Inc” “About Us”
October 4, 2024, Meeting Update
The Rotary Club of Moncton West & Riverview (RCMWR) enjoyed an amazing October 4, 2024, luncheon meeting with two excellent presentations. First presentation was from Rocio Rodriquez, our Rotary long term inbound student from Madrid Spain (see photo below).
Our second speaker was Marty Forsythe, President Elect from the Oromocto Rotary Club and District Rep NB and PEI Quilts of Valour Canada is shown in the photo below. Marty’s presentation topic was Quilts of Valour Canada. This great organization presents Quilts to military veterans for their service for Canada. All Quilts are individually made from Quilting Guilds across Canada and some Guilds in the Moncton area.
RCMWR Rotarian Barbara Elias who is one of the Guilds in the Moncton area thanked Marty for his presentation and presented three gorgeous guilts to him for the veterans.
At the end of the October 4, 2024, RCMWR luncheon meeting, Sean Yo, Rotarian from the Rotary Club of Guelph thanked the RCMWR members for their wonderful hospitality the past 3 weeks while to was visiting the area.
Sean Yo generously offered to donate the amount to purchase the new RCMWR "End Polio Now" 4 ft x 6 ft flag. Thank you, Sean, for the tremendous gift of gratitude to the RCMWR.
October 5, 2024 - Rotary Leadership Training (RLI) in Truro, NS update
Congratulations to President Sherry Trenholm, Karla McLean, and Sherry Mourant for achieving RLI Level 3 certificate.
Awesome accomplishment by our newer members Jamie Smith, Stacey Couturier, Julianna & Maria Mutch, who successfully completed RLI Level 1.
Special thank you to Colin Reeves for being one of the exceptional RLI facilitators!
Check out the following RLI testimonials:
Stacey Couturier
"The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) training (level 1) in Truro last Saturday was AMAZING 🤩. I found it to be very informative and useful (especially as a new Rotarian).
We were in small groups, with divided ‘units of topic’ (each with a different facilitator); it gave you an overview of everything Rotary, while also providing everyone a chance to contribute and connect.
I was thrilled to learn so much about the foundation and structure of Rotary. "
Sherry Mourant
"I love the RLI training! I always learn new things about how Rotary works behind the scenes to help the world. The fellowship of meeting likeminded people from other clubs is priceless!!"
October 7, 2024, Rotary World Polio presentation to Moncton City Council at the Avenir Centre.
President Sherry Trenholm completed a 5-minute to Council highlighting the following:
- Rotary International,
- 5 Greater Moncton Rotary Clubs,
- Major RCMWR fundraising events,
- Rotary's 7 area of focus,
- October 24 World Polio Day
- RCMWR World Polio Day initiatives including month of October Pints for Polio, Moncton City Hall Flag Flying from October 21-27 and October 24 World Polio purple lighting of Downey Street and the Avenir Centre.
A copy of PowerPoint Presentation was also forwarded to the Town of Riverview Council.
October 9, 2024, President Sherry Trenholm completed a 7-minute presentation on the gratitude she feels for the public speaking training she took with International Training and Communication Club.
This presentation request was a result of meeting Rotarian Kathleen Vaughan Zwicker, and Vice President Education Women Changemakers Toastmasters at the RLI training in Truro.
Huge thank you to John Grantham for coordinating the RLI training sessions in Truro NS and to Karla McLean for picking up the Rotary End Polio Now flag.
A special thank you to Atilio Guerrero, Richard Jardine and Noel Eustace to your attending and providing support at the Rotary World Polio presentation to City of Moncton Council.
October is Pints for Polio initiative to bring increased awareness to our community about World Polio Day. If you are eligible to donate blood please do as Karla McLean has challenged the RCMWR members to exceed 20 donations, received in 2023.
"Volunteers Required"
- Edith Cavell School Lunch Program
- If you are interested in helping the children at Edith Cavell School, please reach out to Karla McLean and she will add you to our roster for the 2024-2025 school year:<karlamclean86@gmail.com>
- Volunteers (total 3) required for the
Rotary Youth Exchange Committee.
Roles are flexible according to availability and include school contact, Counsellor (student buddy system), event planning, drives and chaperone, administrative tasks, and hosting.
Jesse Kerpan if you would like to join the committee.
Volunteers (total 2) required for the Social Committee as they are recruiting new members. Contact Sandy Mollins if you would like to join the committee.
- Volunteers (total 2) required for the Sunshine Committee to provide support to Fellow Rotarians who are injured, wounded or distraught. Contact Darrell Nameth if you would like to join the committee.