FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 2024 @ 12:15 PM
Attention Fellow Rotarians:
RCMWR Annual General Meeting (AGM)
December 13, 2024, is the AGM and looking forward to having all members attend this meeting.
The AGM will include the following:
- approval of Agenda
- Approval of the December 15, 2023, AGM meeting minutes
- President's Report
- Treasurer's Report
- Nominations
- Committee Reports
Please contact Catherine Black, RCMWR President-Elect if you are interested in putting your name forward RCMWR Secretary 2025-2026 or if you want to nominate a fellow Rotarian.
District 7815 Governor Change
District Governor (DG) Jillian Gibson stepped down due to significant health challenges.
As a result of Jillian’s decision to step down, District Govenor Elect Marcel Gervais followed proper Rotary International (RI) procedure to appoint a Vice Governor. Marcel had to find a Past District Governor (PDG) who was willing and able to assume the DG role for the balance of this Rotary year following Jillian’s formal resignation. Her Rotary District 7815 family wish Jillian a speedy recovery to good health.
Don Sword accepted the role of DG for District 7815. Don has 35 years of being a Rotarian, serving on a variety of club, district and zone positions and especially his term at DG of the former District 7820 in 2017-18. More recently, Don visited RCMWR as District’s Foundation Committee as Endowment Chair.
A special thank you to DG Jillian Gibson for her leadership role in setting up the district leadership team and putting in place key processes and procedures to organize and run the district better. RCMWR are wishing
Holiday Party Update
On December 6, 2024, a total 73 RCMWR members and guests enjoyed a wonderful evening of conversation, delicious food and amazing international dancers from Moncton Cares with beautiful costumes.
The dancers performed three dance sets including various Indian dance forms fusion, Brazilin salsa and bachata and Punjabi Bhangra.
For additional photos of the RCMWR Holiday Party please visit RCMWR Facebook page and share on your Facebook page.
A special thank you to the following RCMWR Social Committee members, sound system expert, dance organizers, dancers and Legends Restaurant staff.
RCMWR Social Committee
- Sandy Mollins, Chair
- Marc Lapointe
- Don Botten
- Erin Hansen
- Jon Andrews
- Stacey Couturier
- Nadine Larche
- Catherine Black
- Sherry Trenholm
Sound System Set Up
International Dance Organizers
- Ketan Ravel (shown in photo below with President Sherry Trenholm)
- Rajesh Kumar
Dancers from Moncton Cares
Legends Staff
Thank you to all Rotarians who donated unwrapped gifts to the Moncton Headstart's Toy Drive.
Special Thank You
- A special thank you to the Rotarians that volunteered their time to assist with the BGC Riverview Tree Lot where they sell trees and wreaths for this festive season. The tree lot raises funds for the BGC Riverview Programs. The tree lot is open until December 14, Canadian Tire on Pinewood, Riverview.
Great photo below of Richard Jardine and Jamie Smith assisting at the BGC Riverview Tree Lot.
Upcoming Events:
- December 18, 2024, commencing at 12 noon - Rotarians can volunteer
to deliver food boxes for the Peter McKee Holiday Box Program. Rotarians can pair up with another member/family member/friend who if they are interested in volunteering. For this volunteer opportunity, you will drive into/by Coliseum and are provided the box and the address for the delivery.
- December 20, 2024: Holiday Fun Social, Legend's Restaurant, 377 Killam Drive
- January 31, 2024: Charter Night,
Legend's Restaurant, 377 Killam Drive
- January 3, 2025 - New Year's Levee
Dolma Food, 251 St. George Street
- May 29-June 1, 2025: District Conference at The Westin Nova Scotian, Halifax, Nova Scotia.
- June 21-25, 2025: Rotary International Convention, at the BMO Centre in Calgary, Alberta. Register today for the incredible Convention experience of a lifetime. Last day for early-registration discount is December 15, 2024.